Care and love to what we do with:

• Devotion and maintenance of the values we inherited from the elders, who with persistence and care gave us the 50 year know-how of effective cultivation.

• Our continuous efforts to maintain our production line based on the philosophy of producing a natural product, with no artificial interventions, which alter its’ purity and maintaining quality at the highest levels we have set.

• To listen to the market and our customers, with highest goal to improve our products our company and ourselves.

• To develop and maintain relations of mutual trust with our partners and our clients.

• To work strategically on everything that adds value to our products, our company and our clients.

• To work with high consciousness for the preservation and protection of our natural environment.


As a result Smartfoods today is one of the few vertically integrated companies in Europe. From the raw materials up to the end products, which are now found in more than 30.000 points of sale in Greece. Additionally with extensive presence in foreign markets, Smartfoods makes its’ creators and consumers to be proud for the “Only one Hellenic popcorn production company”.

Vertical integration for us means:

• Choosing the appropriate popcorn hybrids.

• Excellent conditions in cultivation, harvest, processing and storing of our kernels.

• Specialization in kernel processing before popping our kernels.

• Controlled storing conditions.

• Selected secondary ingredients of natural and plant origin.

• The unique innovative packaging that keeps the final product fresh and “live”.

• Trained departmental and distribution fleet of finished products.

Quality control according to ISO 22000 food safety standards.